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Why did Radha was cursed?

Why did Radha was cursed?

The main reason behind this curse is the quarrel between Sridama and Radha. Seeing Lord Krishna embraced by Viraja in the jewel pavilion, Radha’s friends at once told their mistress. Hearing their words, Radha became angry and lay down on Her bed. Her eyes like red lotus flowers, the goddess wept bitterly.

What curse was given to Radha?

On this, Sudama cursed Radha that you too will go to earth and will bear the pain of separation from Lord Krishna. You will also have to suffer the separation from Krishna. Radha is saddened by Sudama’s curse.

Why did Lord shridhama curse Radha?

One day, Shridhama was so furious with Radha that he cursed her by saying that she would lose her memory and forget all about Krishna. Thus, by saying so, he sent her to the Patal Loka for hundred years. Incidentally, this event happened soon after Lord Brahma asked Krishna to take birth on earth as the ninth avatar of Lord Vishnu.

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Why is Radha’s name radhekrishna instead of Mathura?

Mathura is Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi, meaning the place where Lord Krishna took birth. Mathura, Vrindavan and the adjoining Gokul regions are a part of the Braj Bhoomi associated with the early life of Shri Krishna. And yet, devotees either hail Radha or take Krishna’s name as RadheKrishna, meaning Radha’s Krishna.

How did Brinda become angry with Radha?

One day Radha came to learn that Krishna was talking at great length with one of the gopis named Brinda. Radha became furious. She fully intended to scold and insult both Krishna and Brinda. Brinda heard that Radha was burning with anger, and she was filled with fear.

Does Radha re-enter Sri Krishna’s life?

The curse pronounced on Samba was preceded by the curse of Gandhari. She felt that Krishna could have prevented the war altogether. In this particular version of the story, Radha does not re-enter Sri Krishna’s life at all after their childhood together in Brindaban.