Tips and tricks

How fast should you be able to code?

How fast should you be able to code?

Most people say that learning a relatively easy programming language takes about 4 to 6 months. It would not be unreasonable to assume that you could learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or Python in that time if you buckle down and practice full-time. If that sounds like good news to you, you’re right.

Is it hard to read code?

It’s harder to read code than to write it. The first reason code is harder to read than to write has to do with the sheer amount of data you need to keep in your head in order to read code. When you write code, you only need to remember the variables, algorithms, data, etc.

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How fast should a programmer be?

For a programmer the typing speed should be maximum based on his skills in typing. The average typing speed for most is 45 WPM, this same applies for a programmer. However, this is just an average. If you want to improve, then you can aim for 60 or even 80 WPM.

How do you read codes effectively?

How to Read Code (Eight Things to Remember)

  1. Learn to Dig. When you’re diving into a mature codebase for the first time, you might not feel like a developer.
  2. Go Back in Time.
  3. Read the Specs.
  4. Think of Comments as Hints.
  5. Find Main.
  6. Notice Style.
  7. Expect to Find Garbage.
  8. Don’t Get Lost.

Do programmers type faster?

Programming involves more hours thinking and reading than it does typing as fast as you can. The speed of typing is surely not your bottleneck. That said, of course having the skill of typing efficiently helps to speed up tasks when you do get to actual keystrokes.

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How much should you code daily?

It is very hard to estimate how many hours you should code each day. Some people suggest to keep it short and sweet. 15 minutes is good enough. On the other side of the spectrum, I’ve also heard people got into the development field within a year or so by coding 9 or 10 hours a day.

What is the best speed for reading?

Speed Reading Test Reading is becoming more and more important in the new knowledge economy and remains the most effective human activity for transforming information into knowledge. If top readers read at speeds of above 1000 words per minute (wpm) with near 85\% comprehension, they only represent 1\% of readers.

How can I read code better?

Read stuff you actually care about. The more you understand the problem domain, the better you can appreciate the solution you’re reading. Other than simple experience leading to reading code better, I suggest attaching a debugger to the application, add some break points, and analyze data as it goes through the system.

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How do you calculate reading speed in English?

How to calculate reading speed: 1. Read for 5 minutes at your normal reading speed. 2. Mark the spot where you stopped. 3. Count the number of words in the first 5 lines. 4. Divide by 5. This gives you the average words per line. 5. Count the number of lines you read.

What is the acereader free reading speed test?

Free Speed Reading Test by AceReader Free Reading Speed Test Quickly determine your reading speed and comprehension using themed and leveled reading comprehension tests. Your ability to read at higher speeds with good comprehension can dramatically affect your ability to succeed in school and in your career.