Popular articles

Why do some people feel the need to be popular?

Why do some people feel the need to be popular?

Some people are popular because they are likable—their peers like them, trust them, and want to be with them. Others are popular because they somehow gain a certain status, and use that power to wield influence over others (ie, high school).

What is important doing what’s right or being popular?

doing the right thing is more important because popularism is for some time someone or the other will replace u but when u do right things nobody will forget u and will always give respect and most importantly u will respect yourself more.

Does popularity bring happiness?

Teens with close friendships experienced mental benefits short and long term. — — Although high school students may think popularity is of the utmost importance, a new study found that it may not lead to long-term happiness. …

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Why do people want to be popular?

Being cool and popular helps people get attention . Because they’re insecure about themselves they need this attention to validate who they are so they can feel better about themselves. This is why the lesson on “Validation and Self Worth” is so important so that your child does not depend on external sources to feel good about themselves.

What makes a person popular?

Name memory. Popular people remember the names of those they meet.

  • Listening skills. Popular people do not focus on themselves,their problems,or their achievements,touting them to crowds wherever they are.
  • Positive attitude.
  • Patience.
  • Open and genuine.
  • Failure as a learning tool.
  • Communication skills.
  • Never judgmental.
  • Above and beyond.
  • Enjoy the journey.
  • Who is the most popular person on Earth?

    Apart from Jesus and Muhammad Michael Jackson is the most fomous person on earth . There’s barely anyone on this planet who haven’t heard of him . 1997 survey declared him the most famous person on earth . He has global approach he was famous before social media era .

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    Who the most famous person?

    Sir Isaac Newton. Born in the 17th century, December 25 – 1642 yet remain the most famous and influential person scientists of all time and prominent figure in the scientific revolution. Isaac saw this world in a totally new way, as a natural philosopher, he designed the laws of motion and universal gravitation.