
What is the problem with the Trinity?

What is the problem with the Trinity?

Any Trinity doctrine which implies all of 1–6 is incoherent. To put the matter differently: it is self-evident that things which are numerically identical to the same thing must also be numerically identical to one another. Thus, if each Person just is God, that collapses the Persons into one and the same thing.

What is doctrine of Trinity?

Trinity, in Christian doctrine, the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of the central Christian affirmations about God.

Why is the doctrine of the Trinity important?

The doctrine of the Trinity teaches human beings how they should shape their lives. Many Christians see the relationship between the persons of the Trinity as providing a recipe for the best sort of human relationships.

What is the doctrine of the Trinity Why is this doctrine central to Christianity?

Doctrine of Trinity is the central belief of Christianity – humanity was saved by God the Creator, through Jesus Christ his son by the Power of the Holy Spirit. The three persons of the Trinity are one God, existing in union with each other. Each has a particular role in the salvation of God’s people.

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What is the Trinity Doctrine?

Is the Trinity a Christian doctrine?

The Trinity is an utterly unique Christian doctrine. Pagans worshipped and believed in many gods (as with the Mormons) hence, the references in SYBT to the so-called parallelisms of the pagans were to THREE separate gods NOT one God in existing in three distinct persons.

What does it mean to reject the Trinity?

It contradicts what the prophets, Jesus the apostles, and the early Christians believed and taught. It contradicts what God says about himself in his own inspired Word (31; under the title “Reject the Trinity”). (Based on the Watchtower publication: SYBT and other standard arguments used by JWs).

Does the Qur’an presuppose something other than the Trinity?

Muslim apologists have always appealed to several passages in the Qur’an which appear to be directed against the Trinity and Incarnation doctrines, with the complication, however, that these passages seem to presuppose something other than the mainstream doctrines (Wolfson 1976, 304–10; Shah-Kazemi 2012, 87–8).

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Is the Trinity a false pagan doctrine?

Oneness devotees are taught assertively that the Trinity is a false pagan doctrine. They commonly misrepresent the Trinity as the belief in three separate Gods. Does this idea sound familiar? Well it should if you have dealt with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and have read Watchtower literature.