Can OBC apply in general category in bank exams?

Can OBC apply in general category in bank exams?

Constitutional Rights for OBC candidates in banking exams This amendment was added in the constitution through the 81st Constitutional Amendment Act, 2000. Thus, it is possible for the backward class candidates to apply for the posts through general stream under the provision of law.

Can OBC apply in BC category?

Certain castes that come under BC and MBC but does include under the Central Government’s OBC category cannot apply for this certificate.

Can an OBC candidate get a government job without a caste certificate?

Yes, candidates can get the job under General/Unreserved category. They need to clear IBPS RRB cutoff for the General category and at the time of document verification, candidates do not need any caste certificate. An OBC or SC/ST candidates can be appointed under the General category if they come in the general rank list.

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Do Non-Creamy layer OBCs get OBC reservation in government jobs?

No. Only if you belong to Non-Creamy Layer OBC, you will get the reservation in jobs as well as in educational institutions. If you fall under the Creamy Layer of OBC, you will not get the benefit of OBC reservation.

When should the OBC certificate be dated for the UPSC exam?

With respect to exams conducted by UPSC, the candidates are expected to possess certificates dated than the closing date of the application for the preliminary exam. For example, with respect to UPSC CSE Prelims 2019, the OBC certificate should be dated before 18th March 2019.

What is the validity period of an OBC NCL certificate?

Therefore, it is not possible to determine a fixed validity period for the OBC certificate. However, for most practical purposes, the validity of an OBC NCL Certificate is treated as 1 year. If your OBC NCL certificate was obtained before 1 year, it is always better to get a new OBC NCL before applying for exams.