
What is the square root of point 0 4?

What is the square root of point 0 4?

4 is 0.

Is root 0.4 rational or irrational?

Answer Expert Verified We have to write -√0.4 in fractional form. As √10 is irrational, then so will be -2/√10, because a rational number divided by an irrational number gives irrational. Thus we can say that -√0.4 is irrational.

Is square root 0 rational?

Zero has one square root which is 0. The square roots of numbers that are not a perfect square are members of the irrational numbers. This means that they can’t be written as the quotient of two integers. The decimal form of an irrational number will neither terminate nor repeat.

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Why is the square root of a number between 0-1 bigger?

Because when you multiply 2 numbers between 0, and 1. The answer is smaller, that is why when u take square root of a number between 0, and 1, The answer is bigger. Thanks for contributing an answer to Mathematics Stack Exchange! Please be sure to answer the question.

What is the square root of 4 and 10?

What is the Square root of 4? 1 Square root of 40. 40 is the multiple of 4 and 10. As we already know, the root of 4 is equal to 2 but what about number 10. Since 10 is not a perfect 2 Square root of 400. 3 Square Root From 1 to 50.

What is the value of root 4?

The value of root 4 is equal to exactly 2. But the roots could be positive or negative or we can say there are always two roots for any given number. Hence, root 4 is equal to ±2 or +2 and -2 (positive 2 and negative 2). You can also find square root on a calculator.

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How to calculate the square root of a number online?

To calculate the square root of a number online click here Square root calculator. Basically, a number when get multiplied by itself is called a square number. For example: 3 x 3 = 9 so 9 is a square number. You can see some more examples below:
