
Why are lightsaber fights different?

Why are lightsaber fights different?

The Jedi in the prequel trilogy all have unique styles for wielding their lightsabers, and even the Sith have unique techniques for handling the weapons. But George Lucas explains that the difference in battle intensity is because Jedi had much better lightsaber training when their culture was thriving.

Why are lightsaber duels so bad in the sequels?

Out of universe, it’ because the prequel fights haven’t aged well. They’re too polished, too choreographed. People on the Internet have been mocking them for over a decade over that fact and the creators of the sequel trilogy didn’t want to repeat the “mistakes” of the prequels.

What style of sword fighting do Jedi use?

Shii-Cho, also known as Form I, is the oldest and most elementary form of lightsaber combat developed by the Jedi Order. Shii-Cho is still taught to youngling Jedis because it is the most basic. This style is known to be used when all other forms of combat have failed.

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Why are the new lightsaber battles so bad?

Except in The Rise of Skywalker, lightsaber battles serve more as mindless spectacle than informative action sequences. This is arguably the reason for why The Rise of Skywalker’s fight sequences fail on a character level. Because Kylo refuses to kill Rey, every conflict between them in the movie is devoid of stakes.

What fighting style does Ahsoka Tano use?

lightsaber fighting
Ahsoka Tano is trained in various lightsaber fighting styles She began her studies with Shii-Cho, the most ancient style of lightsaber combat often taught to Younglings in the Jedi Order. After mastering the basics, Ahsoka grew to learn a more fast and aggressive technique called Form IV (or Ataru).

Is sword fighting in the Star Wars prequels real?

The prequels saw elements of Chinese styles emerge before moving into utter fantasy. By the end of the prequels what you were looking at resembled baton twirling more than anything else. The techniques mimicked by fanboys today bear almost no resemblance to real sword fighting of any era, and would get you killed damn quick.

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What influenced the lightsaber fighting style in Star Wars?

In the original trilogy, lightsaber fighting styles were heavily influenced by Japanese sword skills, which (producer/director George) Lucas was deliberately paying homage to. He loved his Kurosawa Samurai movies, as do all right-minded people.

Why do people dislike the Star Wars prequels so much?

The heavy use of CGI had a big negative effect on the realism of the fighting in the prequels. People like Liam Neeson, who are normally superb with swords, were told in some scenes simply to attack thin air, and that robots would be drawn in afterward.

Does lightsaber fighting look exactly like real sword fighting?

The techniques mimicked by fanboys today bear almost no resemblance to real sword fighting of any era, and would get you killed damn quick. First off, it’s worth noting that lightsaber fighting doesn’t and shouldn’t look exactly like real sword fighting because lightsabers don’t work exactly like real swords.