
Why do things come when you least expect it?

Why do things come when you least expect it?

1) You probably remember or are surprised or impressed by things that happen when you least expect them, so those stand out to you more than when things happen that you expect. 2) If you are waiting around for something to happen that’s not happening, time probably feels slower than usual, so it can seem like “Ugh!

When something unexpected happens against our expectations it is known as?

Situational irony requires one’s expectations to be thwarted and is also sometimes called an irony of events. The outcome can be tragic or humorous, but it is always unexpected.

When you least expect it what can go wrong?

Murphy’s Law is a maxim or axiom that generally implies that, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” In addition, it suggests that such undesirable events are likely to happen when we least expect them to. Many examples abound to emphasise this adage.

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What does it mean when you expect the unexpected?

Filters. To not be surprised by an unusual event. Anything could happen, and probably will.

Why do I feel good when bad things happen to others?

It is the pleasure associated with seeing a “bad” person being harmed or receiving retribution. Schadenfreude is experienced here because it makes people feel that fairness has been restored for a previously un-punished wrong.

What happens when you stop Strive To achieve something?

Great benefits are gained when you have stopped striving toward a goal, and you are no longer thinking about something that you put great effort into attempting to achieve previously. Your experience is not unusual since good things often come at times when people have forgotten about the need to obtain the things they want.

Why do good things happen to people?

Good things happen when you are not experiencing the energy of need. Your life might still be enhanced greatly when you receive gifts from the universe, and in this sense, you require what you obtain.

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Why is the universe unresponsive to my wishes?

Situations where the universe seems unresponsive to people’s wishes, despite them trying to attract results, occur due to the thoughts and energy created. If you are desperate to have something, you are in a state of need. Thus, you remain needy instead of becoming successful.

Why do good things happen when you are needy?

If you are desperate to have something, you are in a state of need. Thus, you remain needy instead of becoming successful. The universe receives your needy energy, and politely sends you more needy energy since it is programmed to deliver your primary focus. Good things happen when you are not experiencing the energy of need.