Are kpop idols allowed to marry?

Are kpop idols allowed to marry?

Surprise was the most common emotion in response to news of H.O.T’s Moon Heejoon announcing his marriage to fellow K-pop idol Soyul of Crayon Pop. As marriages between K-pop idols are rare, the public were surprised but nevertheless happy for the couple. They got married on February 12, 2017.

Is divorce common in South Korea?

The divorce rate in South Korea in 2020 was 2.1 divorces per 1,000 inhabitants, slightly lower than the value of 2.2 in the previous year. While the marriage rate in the country is decreasing every year, the divorce rate does not show any signs of decrease.

Why do so many Kpop fans want their idols to marry?

One main reason is because many kpop stans fall in love with their idols. They want them all to their self even if inside they know it’s not gonna happen. Some fans leave it there. But there are also fans who are super against it and go way too far so if you are one of them It’s honestly so dumb! EXO’S Chen got married recently and had a daughter.

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How do K-pop idols ask their fans for permission?

That’s going to be more challenging. In most cases, K-pop idols such as EXO Chen, TVXQ Changmin, etc., have to write a handwritten letter to ask permission to fans and supporters, which is not really needed.

Which K-pop idols will have to do Korean military service next?

BTS’ Jin and Exo’s Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen will have to enlist before the end of the year, while Suga and Shinee’s Taemin are up in 2021 – which other K-pop idols will have to do Korean military service next, and is there a way to avoid doing it? Register and follow to be notified the next time content from K-pop idols is published.

Does age matter when marrying a K-pop artist?

As a K-pop fan, we’re confident that you’ve dreamed of marrying your favorite artist, may he or she be younger or older than you. Some fans even say, “Age doesn’t matter,” if their bias is almost a decade older than them.

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