What will happen if I change my tongue ring early?

What will happen if I change my tongue ring early?

Changing your piercing too soon may result in irritation that can lead to more consequential problems, like an infection. Once the healing is complete, though, it’s vital to change to a smaller, healthier piece of jewelry so you can minimize any negative effects on your gums or teeth.

Will my tongue piercing close up after 2 years?

If the tongue piercing is removed for even one night, it will partially close up as it is a muscle, which is very unlike ear piercings. It should close up, but just like trachs, some close and some don’t. If it doesn’t close after about a year it should be evaluated for a surgical closure if it is causing problems.

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How do I know my tongue piercing is healing?

In general, a person can expect to experience the following stages as their tongue piercing heals:

  1. After the piercing: Days 1–3. Immediately after the piercing, the wound may feel very sore and irritated.
  2. Swelling and inflammation: Days 4–10.
  3. Early healing: Days 10–30.
  4. Scarring and complete healing: Weeks 4–6.

How do you find a vein in your tongue?

Locate the large veins on the bottom of your tongue. Examine the underside of your tongue for the veins, and consider marking the safe spot between the veins with a small marker.

How long should you wait to change your tongue piercing?

Changing Your Piercing Safely and Effectively Wait 4 weeks before removing your initial piercing. Tongue piercings generally heal in about 4 weeks, though this varies from person to person. Replace your piercing in one sitting. Do not take out your piercing without replacing it. Choose a piercing that fits your tongue.

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What do you need to do after having tongue piercing?

Alleviate Swelling To reduce the swelling on your tongue,you need to drink lots of cold water throughout the day.

  • Clean Your Piercing You need to maintain better oral hygiene after a tongue piercing.
  • Tighten Your Barbell Balls The balls on the barbells can get loosened or unscrewed over a period of time.
  • How soon can I drink after getting a tongue piercing?

    The tongue piercing is a very popular cosmetic surgery.

  • However,like any other surgery it can have its side effects especially if you take care of it and do not have an accident.
  • There are a few things that you should know before going for this operation.
  • How soon can I eat after a tongue piercing?

    Liquid Foods A good starting point would be drinking protein shakes,non-acidic juices and cold non-spicy soups.

  • Soft and Bland Foods After the swelling in your tongue subsides a little,you can start eating soft foods such as ice cream,jello,flan and baby foods.
  • Beverages