
How many torrents can be used at once?

How many torrents can be used at once?

By default BitTorrent supports a Maximum number of active torrents of 8 and a maximum number of active downloads of 5. But if you indeed have a high bandwidth and there’s a lot of people sharing the files you’re looking for then you can adjust these number to your preferences.

Is uTorrent faster than uTorrent?

As we’ve already said, when it comes to speed, there isn’t a real difference between uTorrent and BitTorrent, and the same is true for your Android device. The two clients even have the exact same rating in Google Play (4.5 stars).

Can you download multiple torrents at the same time?

When you download simultaneously both will shared speed and each torrent will get a max of 55KBps speed. This takes 3 hours to complete. During this 3 hours you cannot access any of the two files. So if you download one after the other, you can access first file after 1.5 hours.

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How much should I seed on uTorrent?

Originally Answered: How long should I seed a torrent? Well it’s always safe to assume that a ratio of 1 or more is probably sufficient enough. Which means the ratio of download to upload should be 1. After that you can choose to let it keep seeding or prevent it from seeding.

Does downloading 2 torrents slow down?

If you have limited bandwidth download one after the other. Lets say you are downloading two files of sizes 700MB each and you have a internet connection of 1Mbps. Each file would individually take nearly 1.5 hours. When you download simultaneously both will shared speed and each torrent will get a max of 55KBps speed.

How do I add multiple torrents to utorrent?


  1. Create a folder called AUTOLOAD on your desktop.
  2. Create a folder called TORRENTS where you want to store your completed torrents to be relocated (for example c:\My Documents\My Torrents\).
  3. In your torrent client, click Options, then click Preferences, then click Directories.
  4. Check the ‘Move .
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How do I increase the number of active torrents on uTorrent?

Open uTorrent. Go to Options –> Preferences. Click on Queueing. See the Queue Settings. Change the digits in the boxes to set the maximum number of active torrents and active downloads. , I have created a download manager of my own.

How many torrents can I download at once on Windows 10?

What you need to pay attention to can be found at the bottom of this window and that’s a section called ‘ Number of Connections ’. For the global maximum number of connections, you can go with ‘2329’ if you have a fast connection (10Mbps and up). Then, set the number of maximum connection peers per torrent to 500.

How to increase the maximum number of connections for torrents?

For the global maximum number of connections, you can go with ‘2329’ if you have a fast connection (10Mbps and up). Then, set the number of maximum connection peers per torrent to 500. Also, set the number of upload slots per torrent to 14; Next, we will make sure that that you’re using the most of the BitTorrent protocol.

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How do I download torrents to my computer?

Once the torrent is fully downloaded, uTorrent will keep it in the Downloads folder. You can go ahead and click on the button with three dots. Then, select your Desktop – if you’d like to store completed torrents on your desktop; If you have a specific folder with torrent files, you can make uTorrent load them automatically.