
How did Fingolfin hurt Morgoth?

How did Fingolfin hurt Morgoth?

Fingolfin drew his sword, Ringil, and the duel began. Many times Morgoth attempted to smite Fingolfin, but the Elven King managed to dodge all of Morgoth’s blows, and wounded the Dark Lord seven times. But after a time, Fingolfin grew weary, and Morgoth beat him to the ground three times.

Who is stronger Feanor or fingolfin?

This led to his downfall since he was so busy killing orcs that he got too far ahead of his host and was surrounded and killed. Fingolfin was a gentler leader and had a larger following although they followed Feanor on his quest. This answer i offer as my opinion from modern comparison.

What is the story of Fingolfin vs Sauron?

Fingolfin Vs Sauron. Fingolfin at the height of his power against Composite Sauron. Morgoths greatest servant against one of Morgoths greatest opponents. Scenario: Morgoth was just hauled off to the void in chains. And Fingolfin stands alone where minutes ago they had just faced off. The Valar showed up and dragged Morgoth off for the second time.

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How many times has Sauron been defeated?

Sauron was already defeated once (with help) by an Elf, Gil-galad. Gil-galad and Elendil fought Sauron at the end of the War of the Last Alliance, both dying in the process but allowing Isildur to take the Ring.

What is the scenario of Fingolfin vs Morgoth?

Scenario: Morgoth was just hauled off to the void in chains. And Fingolfin stands alone where minutes ago they had just faced off. The Valar showed up and dragged Morgoth off for the second time. Sauron remains in the shadows and Fingolfin senses him.

Is it possible to kill Sauron?

Sauron was already defeated once (with help) by an Elf, Gil-galad. Gil-galad and Elendil fought Sauron at the end of the War of the Last Alliance, both dying in the process but allowing Isildur to take the Ring. Which leads to the main problem, ‘killing’ Sauron at best a temporary victory if you do not also destroy the Ring.