
Can a blue card holder study in Germany?

Can a blue card holder study in Germany?

You don’t need blue card in order to study in Germany. If you enroll in a master degree, you will get residence permit and you can study with it. But as a student you can work no more than 120 days or 240 half-days per year.

Can I study in Germany with a residence permit?

A student residence permit allows you (as a non-EU citizen) to live in Germany while you pursue studies in a German university. This means you also need to obtain a student visa from the German embassy or consulate in your home country before you are allowed to travel to Germany.

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Can a student in get blue card?

International students cannot apply for an EU Blue Card while they are still on student visa status. However, if during your studies, you have found a job that meets the eligibility criteria for the EU Blue Card, you can submit the EU Blue Card application after you graduate.

Is Blue Card a residence permit in Germany?

The EU Blue Card for Germany is a work and residence permit, issued to highly skilled individuals, allowing them to work in professions where there is a shortage or which have future prospects.

Can I change jobs with blue card?

Should the cardholder want to change employment to a company based in another EU country (one where the EU Blue Card is used), they are allowed to make that change after 18 months of continuous employment. They should notify the local immigration services of the new country about the move within one month of arrival.

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When can a student apply for PR in Germany?

two years
As a graduate from a German university you are eligible for a PR visa provided you have worked in Germany for two years on a residence permit post the completion of your studies. If you have an EU Blue Card, you can apply for a PR visa after working in the country for 21-33 months.

Can I work in Switzerland with EU Blue Card?

The EU Blue Card, which is available in many other European countries and allows a higher degree of freedom for holders, can not be used in Switzerland.

Can I work in other EU countries with a blue card from Germany?

Can I Work in Other EU Countries With a Blue Card From Germany? The EU Blue Card for Germany is a work and residence permit, issued to highly skilled individuals, allowing them to work in professions where there is a shortage or which have future prospects.

How to switch from an existing German residence permit to EU?

To switch from an existing German residence permit to an EU Blue Card you can seek the assistance of the certified lawyers at Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte. You cannot get a German Blue Card if you do not have a qualifying job offer. . The job offer must be for at least one year and you must have a salary meeting the threshold requirement.

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Are German language skills a prerequisite to obtain a residence permit?

German language skills are not a prerequisite to obtain a residence permit if you have a job offer.

How long does it take to get a blue card in Germany?

Germany EU Blue Card Processing Time It takes about 5 to 6 weeks for the Ausländerbehörde to process your application, from the time they receive your completed application.