
What is genotype also called?

What is genotype also called?

A genotype is an individual’s collection of genes. The term also can refer to the two alleles inherited for a particular gene. The expression of the genotype contributes to the individual’s observable traits, called the phenotype.

What is the difference between subtype and genotype?

Genotypes are numbered from G1 to G7, in the order that they were discovered. These genotypes also have variations, called subtypes, which are named by lower-case letter (i.e. a, b, c, etc), also in the order that they were discovered. Each genotype and subtype is a distinct virus.

Is genotype same as blood group?

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If someone has blood type A, they must have at least one copy of the A allele, but they could have two copies. Their genotype is either AA or AO. Similarly, someone who is blood type B could have a genotype of either BB or BO….Blood types and genotypes?

Blood type Possible genotypes

How is it possible that individuals with two different genotypes can have the same phenotype?

Mandira P. Same phenotype but different genotype is possible due to presence of dominant allele. A person can have a dominant allele on both the homologous chromosomes (i.e. in double dose) while another person may have single dominant allele and a corresponding recessive allele.

What does subtype mean in biology?

Medical Definition of subtype (Entry 1 of 2) : a type that is subordinate to or included in another type the blood group subtypes subtypes of a disease. subtype.

What is the opposite of subtype?

What is the opposite of subtype?

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category classification
cast grading
pigeonhole tier
status ilk
kidney compartment

What are the types of genotypes?

Phenotype. This contains two alleles : C and T. SNPs typically have three genotypes, denoted generically AA Aa and aa. In the example above, the three genotypes would be CC, CT and TT. Other types of genetic marker, such as microsatellites, can have more than two alleles, and thus many different genotypes.

How are genotypes different from phenotypes?

The genotype is an individual’s collection of genes. The phenotype is the expression of the genotype in a certain environment. It means that two clones, with exactly the same genotype, will not look the same (will have different phenotypes) if they are raised in different environments.

What are some examples of a genotype?

An example of a genotype is an organism’s blood type, while an example of a phenotype is its height. Height can be affected by an organism’s poor diet while developing or growing up. A person’s genotype is the special allele combination that is in his or her genetic make-up.

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Does a genotype determine its phenotype?

A genotype basically determines the type of traits that a phenotype can have. For instance, the genotypic traits of an organism will determine his susceptibility to a certain disease. However, the phenotypical aspect of the organism displays observable aspects of this disease.