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Why do I hate the sound of my voice?

Why do I hate the sound of my voice?

Bhatt explained that the dislike of the sound of our own voices is physiological and psychological. First off, audio recordings translate differently to your brain than the sound you are used to when speaking. The sound from an audio device goes through the air and then in your ear (also known as air conduction).

Can you change the sound of your voice?

Your voice can be altered surgically so that it no longer makes low pitched sounds. This is called voice feminization surgery or feminization laryngoplasty. During voice feminization surgery, the voice box is made smaller and the vocal cords are shortened. Trans women sometimes undergo this procedure.

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Why do I still sound like a kid at 15?

When we’re little, the voice is higher and squeakier and thinner. The reason that is, is because your vocal cords are shorter and thinner, and your throat and the Adam’s apple and the larynx, the house for the vocal cords, are all smaller. So, your instrument is smaller. The vocal cords are smaller.

Why does my voice sound awful?

The bones and tissues inside your head can also conduct sound waves directly to the cochlea. When you speak, your vocal cords create sound waves that travel through the air to reach your inner ear. That’s why when you hear your voice on a recording, it usually sounds higher and weaker than you think it should.

What do you hear when you listen to your own voice?

What you hear when you listen to your own voice (nothing soulful, here, y’all). There are two different ways that sound enters our ears: air-conducted or bone-conducted. Air-Conducted: Air-conducted sounds are noises that enter the ear from the outside.

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Will my son’s voice change when he grows up?

Some boys’ voices might change gradually, whereas others’ might change quickly. If your son is concerned, stressed, or embarrassed about the sound of his voice, let him know that it’s only temporary and that everyone goes through it to some extent. After a few months, he’ll likely have a resonant, deep, and full voice just like an adult!

Why does my son make weird noises when he talks?

Along with obvious changes in physical appearance, his voice will start sounding a whole lot different. For a while, he might have difficulty controlling it and he’ll make all sorts of odd noises when speaking. It’s the larynx (or voice box) that’s causing all that noise. As the body goes through puberty, the larynx grows larger and thicker.

Why do we hate the sound of our own voice?

We hate it because it is so foreign. You’ve certainly never heard yourself that way normally — and for good reason — you can’t avoid producing both internal and external stimuli prior to hearing your own voice. The irony is you are the only person who ‘hears’ yourself in the way you think everyone else does.