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What does it mean to be brainwashed by someone?

What does it mean to be brainwashed by someone?

Definition of brainwashing 1 : a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas. 2 : persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship.

Is Brainwash positive or negative?

Positive Connotation Negative Connotation

How can I stop being brainwashed?

Here are 4 ways to avoid being brainwashed in life or at work:

  1. Know yourself. All too often, we often don’t take the time to know ourselves well.
  2. Have a vision for your life and your career: When you are clear on a vision, it’s hard to be swayed from it.
  3. Think and to be curious.
  4. Be open but stay grounded.
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What is brainwashing and how does it work?

Brainwashing is a process by which a person or group uses underhand methods to persuade others to the will of the person who is manipulating them. But where does honest persuasion stop and brainwashing start? There are many forms of persuasion used today, particularly in politics.

How do you deal with a group of brainwashed people?

Allowing contact only with others who have already been brainwashed. This creates a form of peer pressure that encourages the new victim to want to be like and be accepted by the new group. This may be reinforced through touch, rap sessions, or group sex, or by stricter means such as a uniform dress code, controlled diet, or other rigid rules.

How common is brainwashing in the modern world?

Most of us associate brainwashing with covert Cold War spy operations and old black and white movies. But brainwashing techniques are used far more commonly than you would think, and in the modern day world.

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How long does it take to retrain a brainwashed person?

Recognize that brainwashers often offer rewards when the victim has “turned.” Once the victim is completely broken and complacent, he or she can then be retrained. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to several years, depending on the circumstances of the brainwashing.