
How do you know if you will be famous palmistry?

How do you know if you will be famous palmistry?

The Triangle Between Headline, Mercury And Fate Line If you have a triangle that goes between the headline, fate line and the mercury line, then the person is said to get famous in whatever profession he/she is into.

How do you read your palm?

Keep four major lines in mind

  1. Heart line: Located at the top of the hand; indicates your emotional state.
  2. Head line: Located below heart line, at the center of your hand; indicates mentality.
  3. Life line: Located under heart line, goes around your thumb indicates vitality.

What is palmistry and how does it work?

Palmistry reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers. There are two divisions within this ancient science.

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What are the traits of the palmistry minor lines?

Click on the pictures below to learn the various traits of the palmistry minor lines. In Palmistry, the mounts, or bumps of flesh, on the palm play a very important role during a reading. They are related to the influences of the planets, which also tell us a lot about our physical and emotional makeup.

What is lifelife palmistry?

Life Palmistry researches and analyzes features of palm print, palm length, palm width and finger length, and performs tens of millions of professional simulation operations so that we can provide you with palmistry report to help you learn the secrets of your hand. (For entertainment only)

What does the head line mean in Chinese palmistry?

It starts either under the index finger or middle finger, and extends toward the pinky finger. The head line, also known as the wisdom line (considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry), reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities.