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Do video games have an effect on grades?

Do video games have an effect on grades?

Children who constantly play video games may perform poorly in school, but the effects are so insignificant as to hardly matter, new research suggests. Researchers found that intensive computer gaming did have a negative impact on grades, especially when kids spend multiple hours playing them on school days.

Do video games cause bad grades?

Overall, the only statistically significant correlation was that of player status and GPA. The present study found that those individuals who indicated that they did play video games had significantly lower GPAs than students who indicated that they did not play video games.

Do video games affect academic performance?

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Should you quit playing video games?

However, if you think that quitting video games is a one size fits all solution, you are mistaken. The benefit of quitting games is to actually regain your time and how you use that time is 100\% dependent on you. Take control of your life and see the results day by day. Level yourself up and give yourself the care it deserves.

Should you cut back your time on video games?

Here’s 20 super solid reasons to massively cut back your time on video games and start taking charge of your life. If these don’t convince you, nothing will. Let’s start with how it will negatively impact your life. 1. Waste of time Two hours here…two hours there…

Do a lot of people play too many video games?

A lot of people play WAY TOO many video games. When you’re neglecting personal responsibilities and playing for massive chunks of time… then you have a problem. Video game addiction is a very real thing. Unless you’re a professional gamer or planning on being a game developer, you have no real reason to play for so long.

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Do video games help or hurt your self-esteem?

The problem with this is that unlike almost any other activity I’ve ever chosen to spend my time doing, video games don’t help my self-esteem. And they certainly don’t help me get through any other obstacles in life. At best, they might pleasantly distract me for a while before dropping me off right back where I started with my real problems.