
What did Thanos mean when he said Stark was cursed with knowledge?

What did Thanos mean when he said Stark was cursed with knowledge?

What does Thanos mean when he says this to Iron Man? Knowledge can be a burden after a limit. If you have knowledge of too much (or everything), you know the truth about many things and that can be depressing. So, knowledge can be a curse which is shared by both Thanos and Iron Man.

What does cursed with knowledge mean?

The curse of knowledge is widely defined as: The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, communicating with other individuals, unknowingly assumes that the others have the background to understand.

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Who invented the curse of knowledge?

The term “curse of knowledge” was coined in a 1989 Journal of Political Economy article by economists Colin Camerer, George Loewenstein, and Martin Weber.

How does Thanos hear stark?

According to Looper.com, director Joe Russo revealed that Thanos recognized Tony as the person who foiled his scheme to capture power on Earth through Loki in 2012’s The Avengers. “He’s aware of Stark from the original Battle of New York as the person who undid the plan,” said Russo about Thanos knowing Stark.

Does Thanos have knowledge that is a curse?

But Thanos’ words imply a strong parallel between the two of them, as though each carries specific knowledge related to the other – knowledge that is a curse. Infinity War goes to great lengths to create some subtle parallels between Thanos and Tony Stark, but this is where they get explicit.

How does Thanos know Stark?

A second possibility is that Thanos knows Stark because of the Soul Stone. In theory, the Soul Stone could give the Mad Titan the ability to examine the soul of anyone he encounter – to peer into their hearts and minds and examine their motives. This would explain why he seems aware of the depth of Stark’s “cursed knowledge.”.

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What is the curse of knowledge according to Tony Stark?

In terms of Tony Stark, the curse of knowledge is a philosophical idea that the more knowledgeable a person is, the more that knowledge can become a burden. The truth can be depressing and being brilliant can be isolating.

Why does Thanos Hate Iron Man so much?

The fear of what looms ahead is why he can’t step away from being Iron Man, and why he suffers psychologically. Thanos is also cursed – with the knowledge of how much his crusade to balance the universe will take. And he also feels he is the only one who truly understands the necessity of his goal.