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What are some companies that use 3D printing?

What are some companies that use 3D printing?

We’ve compiled a list of 10 companies innovatively using 3D printers.

  • General Electric. General Electric made big investments in 3D printing in their quest to produce more than 85,000 fuel nozzles for the new Leap jet engines.
  • Boeing.
  • Ford.
  • Nike.
  • American Pearl.
  • DIY Rockets.
  • Hasbro.
  • Hershey’s.

What industries will 3D printing change?

3D printing is also now being used for rapid prototyping in a variety of industries today including aerospace, medical, and automotive. As technology in 3D printing has improved, the ability to make larger items as well as more detailed objects has become more commonplace.

How to start a 3D printing business in India?

The most common way to enter the 3D printing business in India is via buying a 3D printer and providing services to those in need. The obvious step is to buy a good reliable 3D printer and offer 3D printing services. A lot of business around the world have started in this same fashion.

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What are the most common applications of 3D printing in India?

Prosthetics, Toys, Gifts are some of the most common applications of 3D printing in India. Many passionate entrepreneurs in India are jumping into the 3D printing bandwagon to bring this technology closer to the common man. These entrepreneurs have already set up some very interesting business models surrounding 3D printing.

Will India ever have a low cost desktop 3D printer?

Many experts believe that it takes another 3-4 years before a truly world-class, low cost desktop 3D printer emerges out of India. According to a research conducted by 6Wresearch, India’s 3D printing market is projected to grow at around 20 percent CAGR during 2014-19.

Is think3d an Indian company?

About: Since the company is headquartered in Singapore, in this list Think3D will classify as a multinational with Indian presence. Founded by BITS graduates, Think3D also sells 3D Scanners and 3D Filaments in addition to 3D Printers, both desktop and industrial.