
Can Loki go back to original timeline?

Can Loki go back to original timeline?

At the end of the Loki premiere episode, “Glorious Purpose,” the God of Mischief realized he no longer could return to the main MCU timeline. This means that the version of the antihero in Loki is pre-redemption as he has yet to go through the journey that changed him as a person in the main timeline.

Did Loki’s timeline get reset?

Among the many timelines pruned by the TVA were occupied by various Loki variants. Additionally, when Loki was taken into custody by a TVA unit, his alternate 2012 timeline was subsequently pruned by a reset charge.

How does Captain America return to the same timeline?

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers travels back in time to return each of the Infinity Stones to the exact moment they were taken by the Avengers earlier in the film. Steve does this to prevent multiple alternate realities from existing — ones in which the stones were missing or absent from certain events.

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Does Loki come back in Endgame?

Loki isn’t brought back to life in Avengers: Endgame, but the God of Mischief does survive (sort of) in a new, alternate MCU timeline. Endgame brings back a fan-favorite, but [SPOILER] is only alive in an alternate timeline.

Will Loki ever return to the MCU?

Regardless, with as popular a character as he is, there’s little doubt Loki will continue to have a presence in the MCU. Whether it’s the original, prime timeline Loki or the one from the divergent reality remains to be seen. Were Other Timelines Created In Avengers: Endgame?

Did Loki create a divergent timeline in Endgame?

Update: Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo have confirmed that Loki did in fact create a divergent timeline after taking the Space Stone in the past when Captain America and Iron Man went back to try and retrieve the stone. Read on for our full theory on how this ties into his Disney+ show…

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What if Captain America takes Loki’s scepter in the new timeline?

In this new timeline, Captain America’s part of the main mission could also bring some changes. He takes Loki’s scepter by saying “Hail Hydra” to the Strike Force team, which would leave those sleeper agents with the impression that he has joined their cause. Additionally, 2023 Cap tells his 2012 self that Bucky is still alive.