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How many years did it take for dinosaurs to go extinct?

How many years did it take for dinosaurs to go extinct?

65.5 million years ago
Many Theories, No Proof Dinosaurs roamed the earth for 160 million years until their sudden demise some 65.5 million years ago, in an event now known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary, or K-T, extinction event.

How long did it take for dinosaurs to go extinct after asteroid?

For a long time it was thought that the non-bird dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. But Paul explains, ‘The dating of those layers of clay around the world is very accurate – it’s estimated to within a couple of thousands of years.

How did the dinosaurs get extinct?

Geological evidence indicates that dinosaurs became extinct at the boundary between the Cretaceous and Paleogene eras, about 66 million years ago, at a time when there was worldwide environmental change resulting from the impact of a large celestial object with the Earth and/or from vast volcanic eruptions.

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What really killed the dinosaurs?

Programme transcript. Until recently most scientists thought they knew what killed off the dinosaurs. A 10km-wide meteorite had smashed into the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, causing worldwide forest fires, tsunamis several kilometres high, and an ‘impact winter’ – in which dust blocked out the sun for months or years.

Why did all dinosaurs become extinct?

How did the dinosaurs become extinct. Another theory that could explain how the dinosaurs became extinct is volcanic activity . A huge increase in volcanic activity at around 65 millions years ago could have pumped so much ash into the air that it blocked out the sun killing the dinosaurs. Some scientists believe that there was a severe ice age…

Do we know what killed the dinosaurs?

How We Know What Killed the Dinosaurs. Their target is Chicxulub Crater , one of the most significant geologic features on Earth. It is here that approximately 65 million years ago, a comet or asteroid at least 10 km across slammed into Earth, ending the Cretaceous Period and causing the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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What caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?

The cause of the mass extinction that marks the end of the Cretaceous and the beginning of the Paleogene is a scientific mystery. The extinction wiped out the dinosaurs while most mammals, turtles, crocodiles, salamanders, and frogs survived.