
Can Spider-Man knocks out hulk?

Can Spider-Man knocks out hulk?

Spider-Man simply can’t beat the Hulk. He’s faster, but the strength & durability of the Hulk is just far too much for our web-slinger. If there were innocents in harm way Spider-Man would fight until his last breath to try and stop him, but at best all he’d be doing is postponing things.

Who has knocked out the Hulk?

Cyclops, Havok and especially Vulcan are all incredibly powerful, but Havok is the only one of the three who has managed to take down the Hulk. In the Incredible Hulk #150, Havok plays the hero in a hostage rescue situation, much like the classic tale of King Kong.

How did Spider Man beat the Hulk?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work, and Hulk attacks the heroes. He takes down both Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic before Spider-Man swoops in. He manages to avoid all of Hulk’s attacks, but rather than punch back, Spidey hits Hulk with the oldest trick in the book: a knock-knock joke.

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What happened to the Spider after it bit Peter Parker?

Reader George W. wrote in to ask, “What happened to the spider after it bit Peter Parker?” Well, in that very first story by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in Amazing Fantasy #15, they’re pretty clear that the spider dies right after biting Peter (although, it also says that spiders are insects)…

What happened to Cindy in Spider-Man?

Peter Parker was in actuality only the first of the spider’s unknowing contributions to the war on super villainy, as Moon would be the spider’s secondary and final choice. Cindy is seemingly the last individual the radioactive spider would come into contact with before its swift death.

How did Peter Parker get his superpowers?

Unlike gamma radiation, super soldier formulas, or having superpowers activated at puberty, it was a lone spider hailing from the ceiling of a New York City atomic research exhibit endowed with a massive amount of radiation that gave the teenage Peter his incredible spider-based abilities.

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How did Spider-Man get his origin?

The dreaded spider which would become endowed with radiation not only gave birth to one adept spider based Marvel Comics hero… but two. What began as a relatively straightforward origin to set the character of Spider-Man into motion has evolved into an arc that has had major ripple effects on the world of Spidey and his supporting cast.