
How likely are you to die in a motorcycle accident?

How likely are you to die in a motorcycle accident?

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), you are 37 times more likely to die in a motorcycle accident than a car accident – and nine times more likely to become injured while riding a motorcycle than while driving a car.

Why do motorcycle crashes happen?

Like accidents of any type, reckless driving, speeding, and alcohol use are common causes of motorcycle accidents. Accidents are more likely to occur when the motorcycle or other passenger vehicle is speeding, driving distracted, driving aggressively, or driving under the influence of alcohol.

Where do most motorcycle accidents take place?

Overall, most motorcycle accidents occur in urban areas, on non-interstate roads, and at locations other than intersections. Furthermore, more motorcycle accidents tend to occur in states with warmer climates and longer riding seasons.

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How do most motorcycle crashes happen?

How can you avoid a motorcycle accident?

Wear a helmet. Wearing a high-quality motorcycle helmet is the number one way to protect yourself and ultimately survive a motorbike crash. Be sure that your helmet is in good condition, without cracks. Additionally, many states have helmet laws making it illegal to ride without one.

How do you survive an impending motorbike crash?

To survive an impending motorbike crash, steer your bike away from traffic or anything you might hit head on, and try to collide sideways instead. You should also try to stay on your bike and keep it upright, since bailing could cause you to slide a long distance and hurt yourself or others.

What should you do when you crash your bike?

A tuck and roll might be helpful if you see crash coming while you are still on your bike. To get into a tucked position, pull your knees into your chest, cross your arms over your chest, and tuck your head down towards your chest. Then, try to relax and roll as you crash.

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How do you survive a car accident?

You will do best at surviving an accident if you stay connected to your machine. If you exit the vehicle, you may slide for a long distance, possibly in the direction of oncoming cars. You could even end up hurting an innocent bystander. Slide well. In the event of a slide, you need to stay relaxed.