How is the Indian constitution trying to interfere in the sphere of religion?

How is the Indian constitution trying to interfere in the sphere of religion?

For example, Indian constitution bans untouchability under Article 17. There is also abolition of child marriage and lifting the taboo on inter-caste marriage sanctioned by Hinduism. The Indian state may engage with religion negatively to oppose religious tyranny. It may also choose a positive mode of engagement.

How does Hinduism affect economy?

The Hindu accepts his status in life, his occupation, his caste and his wealth as well as his possessions as a result of his ‘Karma’… Hence, in a real issue Hindu religion has been acting as a disincentive to economic growth because of its faith in a preordained order of life[14].

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What is Hindu economy?

The Hindu rate of growth is a term referring to the low annual growth rate of the economy of India before the economic reforms of 1991, which stagnated around 3.5\% from 1950s to 1980s, while per capita income growth averaged around 1.3\%. The Indian economy of this period is characterised as Dirigism.

What are the criticism of Indian secularism?

Critics claim the Indian form of secularism as “pseudo-secularism”. Supporters state that any attempt to introduce a uniform civil code, that is equal laws for every citizen irrespective of his or her religion, would impose majoritarian Hindu sensibilities and ideals.

What are the negative effects of nationalism on a country?

The import and export market can begin to fall down. All this can be as a result of nationalism which is only trying to focus upon itself first. This creates a sense of division and isolation for such a country. It can create in-differences among individuals, rather than in communities.

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Is nationalism supposed to work on a community level?

Although nationalism is supposed to work on a community level if it is supposed to have positive effects on a country. However, a sense of nationalism, when taken in a negative way, can create differences among the common people. This is when it occurs at an individual level rather than the community level.

What is an example of nationalism in psychology?

People can be highly motivated through a sense of nationalism to achieve their respective goals and meet all the aspirations. For example, we all have heard of The American Dream. It is the perfect example of nationalism. With a wish to be independent, people are inspired and motivated driven by the feelings of nationalism.

What does it mean to be a nationalist?

Such sentences clearly depict that the person is a true nationalist. Nationalism is nothing but s feeling of pride and confidence of a person for their respective country. It is always good to know that people of a country love their nation and are very positive towards contributing in its success and prosperity.