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How many countries have constitutions based on the US Constitution?

How many countries have constitutions based on the US Constitution?

The study examined more than 700 federal constitutions from nearly 200 countries.

Which constitution was modeled after the US Constitution?

Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor. Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution. Magna Carta exercised a strong influence both on the United States Constitution and on the constitutions of the various states.

What countries have constitutions?

Sovereign states (UN member and observer states)

State Date ratified Word count
Constitution of Afghanistan January 4, 2004 10,227
Constitution of Albania November 28, 1998 13,826
Constitution of Algeria September 8, 1963 10,038
Constitution of Andorra February 2, 1993 8,740
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Which country adopted the first constitution?

First country to make the constitution: USA The constitution was adopted by a convention of the States on September 17, 1787, and was subsequently ratified by several States. Ratification was completed on June 21, 1788.

Which country adopted the first Constitution?

Which country has the first written Constitution of the world when was it adopted?

The Constitution of San Marino dates all the way back to 1600 and has been in continuous use since then, making it the oldest constitution in the world.

Are all countries with a constitution democratic?

All democratic countries are most likely to have a constitution. However, there are exceptions. It has an unwritten constitution formed of Acts of Parliament, court judgments and conventions. …

What type of Constitution do the Philippines have?

Three other constitutions have effectively governed the country in its history: the 1935 Commonwealth Constitution, the 1973 Constitution, and the 1986 Freedom Constitution….Constitution of the Philippines.

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Constitution of the Philippines Saligang Batas ng Pilipinas
Ratified February 2, 1987
Date effective February 2, 1987

Which of the following countries adopted its new Constitution recently?

28, 2015) (in Nepali); Constitution of Nepal 2015: Preliminary Draft [unofficial translation by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance], CONSTITUTION.NET.) Nepal’s President, Ram Baran Yadav, signed the charter on September 20 and delivered a proclamation making it the law of the land.

Which democratic country has no written constitution?

New Zealand: New Zealand has no single constitutional document. It is an uncodified constitution, sometimes referred to as an “unwritten constitution”, although the New Zealand constitution is in fact an amalgamation of written and unwritten sources.

Did other countries copy the United States Constitution?

In the century following 1787 many countries copied parts of the United States constitution. In particular, many South American countries adopted Presidential constitutions similar to ours, although they didn’t always enf This is a big topic worthy of a complete study.

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How many countries in the world have constitutions?

Currently all the countries of the world except about five (the exact number is debatable) have constitutions. Few of them mirror the US constitution directly, although all of them were influenced by it at least indirectly.

What countries have been inspired by the United States Constitution?

The Constitution of the United States lent authority the cloak of democratic respectability. A few countries very shortly adopted constitutions directly inspired by it—Venezuela in 1811, Mexico in 1824, the Central American Federation in 1825, and Argentina in 1826.”

Which country had the first major constitution in the world?

My summary, which may not agree entirely with the one in the article, is that the United States had the first major constitution in the world (technically you can trace constitutions back farther). In the century following 1787 many countries copied parts of the United States constitution.