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How did Harry save Peter Pettigrew?

How did Harry save Peter Pettigrew?

In his third year Harry prevented Peter Pettigrew from being murdered by his former best friends, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, for treason. Instead, Harry asked for him to be transferred to Azkaban. Though Pettigrew escaped, he still owed Harry a life debt.

Why did wormtail let go of Harry?

This was Voldemort’s built-in way to punish Wormtail for betraying him. The hand was given to him by Voldemort, but Wormtail owed Harry his life. When wormtail hesitated in the celler the enchantments Voldemort put on the hand kicked in and it killed him for his wavering loyalty.

What happened to Petter Pettigrew?

Pettigrew attempted to strangle Harry, but momentarily slackened his grip when Harry reminded him of his life debt, and was killed for it by the silver hand made for him by Voldemort. Hermione learned about his death after the battle.

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Who is Peter Pettigrew in Harry Potter?

Peter Pettigrew is a friend of James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin since the school times. As Wormtail he was one of the creatores of the Marauder’s Map and an unregistered animagus (he could change into a rat). In the third book it turns out that Ron’s rat – Scabbers is in fact Peter.

What did Lord Voldemort give Peter Pettigrew to replace his hand?

A silver hand was presented to Peter Pettigrew by Lord Voldemort in the summer of 1995, to replace his lost right hand.

Did Peter Pan actually save Harry Potter?

Of course, Peter did save Harry. Sort of. Eventually. And he died for it. When he wrapped his silver hand around Harry’s throat, he remembered he owed him a life debt and let him go rather than strangling him.

How does Pettigrew die in the Deathly Hallows?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Pettigrew is the only Death Eater present at Malfoy Manor when Harry, Ron and Hermione are captured, who did not witness Griphook’s torture or Dobby’s rescue. In the film adaptations of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pettigrew is not killed by his hand.