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Why does Macos feel so smooth?

Why does Macos feel so smooth?

Part of why OS X seems so much smoother than Windows is because of the animations. Unlike much of Windows, a lot in OS X animates. This includes opening applications, switching desktops and full-screen apps, opening spring-loaded folders, and many others as well.

Why do Macs work better than PC?

Each component in a Mac computer is optimised to perform well and use less power (hence the longer battery life). Although Apple computers use many of the same hardware components as PCs, Apple does a significantly better job at designing their operating system to take full advantage of these components.

Is Mac more user friendly than PC?

The most commonly cited positive of buying a Mac is its user-friendliness and approachability. Even for those brand new to computers, Mac OS tends to be more intuitive than Windows. Macs are extremely well-designed and aesthetically appealing, offering more of an artful computer look than with a PC.

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Is macOS more efficient than Windows?

The Mac lets you do everything from the keyboard, but it doesn’t make it easy, and when I need to get a lot of words typed into the screen, spell-checked, printed, and sent via e-mail, Windows gets the job done faster—at least for me.

Why is Mac OS X so much smoother than Windows?

Part of why OS X seems so much smoother than Windows is because of the animations. Unlike much of Windows, a lot in OS X animates. This includes opening applications, switching desktops and full-screen apps, opening spring-loaded folders, and many others as well.

Why are Macs so much faster than PCs?

As many people pointed out, Macs aren’t faster than all Windows computers. If you buy a Mac and a Windows PC for the same price, then that PC will be faster. Macs have a higher price for the same performance because they can.

Why is Mac OS X so slow?

The interfaces in OS X look very metallic, and match the coloring of the computers it runs on very well which adds to the experience. However, if you are using a lot of memory and don’t have much left over, a Mac will run slow just like Windows PCs tend to do nearly 100\% of the time.

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What is the difference between OS X and Windows?

OS X has a lot smoother colors and patterns. The windows (not the operating system series, but the applications open on the computer) look more realistic than Windows (that, with a capital W, is the operating system) which has mostly all interfaces that don’t look like something you could actually pick up.