
What was your biggest challenge as developer?

What was your biggest challenge as developer?

An overwhelming majority of the challenges cited can be boiled down to “because, people.” While the top challenge developers appear to face is dealing with unrealistic expectations (34.52\%), other common challenges include “Interacting with stupid people” (20.15\%) and “Trying to be nice” (8.09\%).

What is the most challenging day to day responsibilities of a programmer?

Acquiring leadership role in your company can be one of the most difficult and challenging tasks that a programmer can face. Because now you’re not just responsible for your own work but you are also responsible for other people.

What do developers think about devskiller’s Python coding challenges?

DevSkiller’s Python coding challenges offer a refreshing change to this and a chance for developer candidates to demonstrate their skills in coding and software development. Developers also like the fact that DevSkiller tests use normal coding tools and conventions like unit testing, and cloning to GIT from a personal IDE.

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Why should you hire a Python developer for a job?

This means you can provide the candidate with the tasks that they are likely to face at work and use their results to see how likely they are to succeed. Python is an interpreted high-level programming language used for general purposes which is favored by a lot of developers because of its versatility and increased productivity.

How our Python coding interview questions and tests help you?

Our Python coding interview questions and tests are a surefire way to help you screen the candidates for the open Python developer positions. They allow you to assess Python skills efficiently and without the influence of any unconscious bias whatsoever.

How can I practice my Python skills?

Practice your Python skills with these programming challenges. The tasks are meant to be challenging for beginners. If you find them too difficult, try completing our lessons for beginners first. All challenges have hints and curated example solutions. They also work on your phone, so you can practice Python on the go.