
Which company pays highest for software engineers?

Which company pays highest for software engineers?

Top 10 highest-paying employers of software engineers in 2020

  • The average base pay for a software engineer is $89,201 per year, according to an anonymous Glassdoor survey.
  • Some top software engineers earn more than $1 million per year.
  • Amazon.
  • Facebook.
  • Netflix.
  • Airbnb.
  • Microsoft.
  • Apple.

Which company pays highest salary for software engineer in US?

Here are 10 companies that are offering the most competitive compensation packages to software engineers.

  • Lyft. Headquarters: San Francisco.
  • Pinterest. Headquarters: San Francisco.
  • Roblox. Headquarters: San Mateo, California.
  • LinkedIn. Headquarters: Sunnyvale, California.
  • Stripe.
  • Doordash.
  • Netflix.
  • Airbnb.

Where do software engineers get paid the most?

The crowdsourced data on shows that software engineers get paid extremely well at companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft.

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Is Facebook a good place to work as a software engineer?

A software engineer looking for name-brand prestige and exciting future opportunities may apply at Facebook. Software engineers can expect to earn near six-figures off the hop. However, former employees have more complaints lodged at the company then do of the other big brands.

How much do software engineers at Google make?

For example, at Google a Level 7, which is considered the top level for the vast majority of engineers, can make $608,000, according to

What is the best city for software engineers to work?

7 Best Companies for Software Engineers. 1 1. Seattle, WA. On four different metrics, Seattle may be the best value for a software engineer. Software engineer’s working near the home of 2 2. San Jose, CA. 3 3. San Francisco, CA.