
Is snoke a Mace Windu?

Is snoke a Mace Windu?

There are a few popular theories, ranging from Snoke being an ancient Sith lord to Rey’s uncle. Reddit user _SSF_REDDIT_ has proposed Supreme Leader Snoke could be Mace Windu. Yes, that Mace Windu, the one Palpatine threw out of a window right before enacting Order 66.

Is Mace Windu hated?

Mace Windu is a pretty great character. His treatment of Anakin in the prequel trilogy annoyed fans of Anakin and the prequels to no end, but to make it even worse, Windu in The Clone Wars with his blind, stringent loyalty to the Jedi Code, treatment of Ahsoka, and general attitude made many a fan despise him.

What was special about Mace Windu?

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Trained as a Jedi Guardian, Windu was considered to be one of the best swordsmen in the history of the Jedi Order and had created the modern seventh form of lightsaber combat, Vaapad along with fellow Jedi Sora Bulq. He was the only practitioner of the form who did not fall to the dark side.

Is Snoke a robot?

Snoke was a Force-sensitive genetic strandcast humanoid male who ruled the First Order as Supreme Leader during the New Republic Era.

Is Mace Windu a GREY Jedi?

Mace Windu is not a ‘Gray Jedi. ‘ Vaapad, a lightsaber style created by the Jedi Master, has Mace tap into the dark side, into his emotion. Unlike other Jedi of his time, Windu tapped into the Dark Side to find a balance within himself, understanding and using the dark side but never succumbing to it.

Why does Snoke look like that?

According to The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary (2019), Snoke’s physical appearance was purposefully designed by Palpatine to ensure his species remained unidentifiable. Furthermore, Snoke’s reluctance to meet in person with his First Order underlings helped conceal the fact that he was an artificial being.

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Could Snoke be Mace Windu?

After all, Snoke does say he witnessed the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire, meaning he was around during the first two trilogies. This means he could very well be Mace Windu. Mace Windu notably harnesses the power of the dark side, even in spite of the fact that he’s a Jedi knight.

Is Snoke actually Jedi Master Windu looking for revenge?

But according to a new fan theory on Reddit, Snoke is actually Jedi Master Windu looking to exact revenge on the Supreme Chancellor. I know this it’s a little bit out there but bear with us as we make this argument.

How did Mace Windu die in Star Wars?

It’s worth noting that Mace Windu loses a hand and experiences the full impact of Palpatine’s Force lightning before he’s flung out of a window to his death. That said, no Jedi has ever died in the series from any of those three types of injury. In fact, some characters have survived falls of even greater distances.

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How did Palpatine and Snoke turn Windu into Snoke?

When Palpatine unleashed his unlimited power on Windu, the injuries caused by Force lightning could explain how he turned to Snoke. As for the fall, we know that Jedi can land on their feet despite a long fall, so is it that hard to assume that he survived the landing?