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What are the different media platform?

What are the different media platform?

To help understand (and increase) your company’s online impact, here’s a look at the top social media platforms that you should be familiar with.

  • YouTube.
  • Instagram.
  • Snapchat.
  • 4 and 5. Meerkat and Periscope.
  • Product Hunt.

What are the 5 different types of media?

Media in the United States comprises several different types of widespread communication: television, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines, and Internet-based websites (especially blogs).

What are the four media platforms?

You also need to promote that content, and the big four social media channels, with users numbering in the billions, comprise the world’s largest audience.

  • Twitter. Monthly users: ~320 million.
  • Facebook. Monthly users: ~2.5 billion.
  • LinkedIn. Monthly users: ~260 million.
  • Instagram. Monthly users: ~1 billion.
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What are the 4 types of social media?

Different Types of Social Media Networks

  • Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
  • Media Sharing Networks: Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube.
  • Discussion Forums: Reddit, Quora, Digg.
  • Bookmarking & Content Curation Networks: Pinterest, Flipboard.
  • Consumer Review Networks: Yelp, Zomato, TripAdvisor.

What are different media platforms?

Facebook. Let’s start with the king.

  • Twitter. Much fewer people use Twitter,the second biggest social network for marketing.
  • YouTube. First things first,don’t forget that YouTube is owned by Google.
  • Instagram.
  • Pinterest.
  • LinkedIn.
  • Reddit.
  • Tumblr.
  • Snapchat.
  • These were the major ones.
  • What are the different types of digital platforms?

    Technology Platforms

  • Computing Platforms
  • Utility Platforms
  • Interaction Networks
  • Marketplaces
  • On-demand Service Platforms
  • Content Crowdsourcing Platforms
  • Data Harvesting Platforms
  • Content Distribution Platforms
  • What are types of social media platforms do they use?

    7 Types of Social Media Channels & How You Can Use Them Social Networks. Sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google + come under the list of social networking sites. Blogs And Micro-blogs. Sites such as Twitter, WordPress, Blogger, and many other similar options come under the list of blogging and micro-blogging websites. Media Sharing Sites or Content Communities. Wikis or User-Generated Content.

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    What are examples of social media platforms?

    Some examples of media platforms used to deploy mass media messages are televisions, newspapers, the internet, social networking sites, magazines, and the radio. Mass media messages can come in the form of videos, audios, pictures and even words.