
What happens when Aragorn dies?

What happens when Aragorn dies?

After Aragorn died at 210, Arwen went to Lorien and stayed there until winter. Before spring, she lay down to rest on Cerin Amroth, her green tomb is still there, and it will be green until this world is changed, and until the people who will come later have completely forgotten all the days of her life.

How many died at the Battle of the Black Gate?

Battle of the Morannon
Aragorn Gandalf Imrahil Éomer Gwaihir Mouth of Sauron Nazgûl
Unknown, except for “Less than six thousand” Gondorians and Rohirrim Unknown except for 60,000+ Orcs, Haradrim, and Easterlings [note 1]
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How did Aragorn survive?

Aragorn’s “death scene” was meant to drive home the point that he cannot die because he has the light of the Valar in him, as represented by the jewel given to him by Arwen. Basically, because Arwen has forsaken her immortality for him, Aragorn can’t die until the time is right.

Did Aragorn fight Sauron?

There never was a physical duel between Aragorn and Sauron. For that matter, none of the characters in the book ever get close enough to Sauron to fight him. The closest anyone even comes to that is when Aragorn and Pippin see him when they look through the palantír of Orthanc.

How does Aragorn recruit the sleepless dead into his service?

In the War of the Ring, Isildur’s Heir, Aragorn, called on the Dead Men. Summoning them to the Stone of Erech, Aragorn commanded them to fulfill their oath and be free. Aragorn led the Army of the Dead through Lamedon.

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What happened at the Battle of Pelennor Fields?

In the BBC radio series The Lord of the Rings, the Battle of the Pelennor Fields is heard from two sides, the first being mainly Pippin’s. One hears him discussing with Denethor, and like in the book, he has to find Gandalf to prevent Denethor from burning Faramir.

Why did Aragorn sigh in the Lord of the dead?

Movie Aragorn is lucky that the Dead continued with him to Minas Tirith and didn’t say “we done” after the assault on the pirates. That is why in the movie when, after the battle, the King of the Dead is like “We done” and Gimli is like “But we need them” Aragorn sighs, because they’re both right and he should have planned that better.

Should Aragorn use ghosts to fight Mordor?

Sure, ghosts are perfect for that! And that alone is extremely helpful, it frees up an entire army for Aragorn to bring to Minas Tirith and win that battle and then go on to assault Mordor. This is the one thing that the Dead can help out with, a thing they can do well, and one that gives Aragorn a huge strategic advantage.

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Why didn’t Aragorn bring the dead to Minas Tirith?

This is also why Aragorn didn’t bring them to Minas Tirith, the Nazgul were there including the mighty Witch King of Angmar (Aragorn didn’t know that he would be slain by Eowyn). The movie ignores all this and shows the Dead killing orcs and oliphaunts at the siege of Minas Tirith. So your question in the movies is very valid.