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How do you align your chakras?

How do you align your chakras?

According to Malaspina, a great way to promote balance in a chakra is to create alignment in your physical body through:

  1. yoga postures.
  2. breathing practices to encourage the flow of energy.
  3. meditation to bring about clarity of mind.

How to awaken your Third Eye?

Staring at the sun at dawn or dusk is an effective way to activate your third eye. This causes your body to produce extra melatonin at night when it is dark. Also, sunlight travels through the eyes to the hypothalamus , a part of the brain involved in all aspects of emotional, reproductive, endocrine, hormonal, and autonomic functions.

What happens when you open your Third Eye?

When the third eye is open you can experience clairvoyance, visions, and extra sensory perception. The third eye opens the doorway to receving messages and information from the higher consciousness and other dimensions of consciousness.

How to activate your Third Eye?

Just Breathe. Mindful breathing can calm the mind and,in turn,cleanse and open the Third Eye.

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  • Add Third Eye Color. Associated with the color indigo,which is a combination of deepest blue and violet,the Third Eye chakra governs…
  • Practice third eye meditation. Of all the exercises you can do for the sixth chakra,those that require you to actually engage the Third Eye are the best.
  • Dream it. The Third Eye is crucial in dreaming and dream recall. Engage and activate your Third Eye chakra by keeping a dream journal.
  • Work your theta brainwaves. It could be useful to learn how to activate and maintain theta and alpha brainwaves.
  • Add some scent. Introduce essential oils to your home,bath,and body. Subtle fragrances can work wonders for opening,cleansing,and balancing the body’s chakras.
  • Eat (and Drink) Fruits and Veggies. Consuming beverages and foods with natural blue and purple hues can help bolster positive energy flow through the Third Eye chakra.
  • Yoga for the third eye chakra. When learning how to open and heal the body’s energy centers,no conversation is complete without introducing the benefits of yoga.
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    How to unlock your Third Eye?

    Meditate and Practice Breathwork. The best way to unlock your third eye chakra and start receiving messages or visions is to meditate and practice breathwork.

  • Practice Spiritual Yoga. As you may already know,yoga enables its practitioners to achieve peace and clarity of mind.
  • Eat a Healthy and Nutritious Diet.
  • Use Essential Oils and Crystals.