Tips and tricks

What are the best resources for medical students?

What are the best resources for medical students?

The top 10 online resources for medical students

  • Osmosis. Osmosis combines simple videos with fantastic explanations across a wide range of topics, with questions and study notes to help consolidate your knowledge at your own pace.
  • Passmedicine.
  • Amboss.
  • Med Mastery.
  • Dr.
  • Online MedEd.
  • Acland Anatomy.
  • Life in the Fast Lane.

What resources do medical schools use?


  • First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 (2017) Ol’ faithful – First Aid is the Med School bible.
  • Pathoma. At my school, we have a pathology professor that causes a collective groan throughout our class when we see his name listed to teach a class on the schedule.
  • Sketchy Medical.
  • Costanzo’s Physiology.
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How do I start studying in medical school?

7 things pre-meds should do to start preparing for medical school

  1. Be thoughtful about your college classes.
  2. Develop good study habits.
  3. Take the MCAT seriously.
  4. Gather as much relevant experience as you can.
  5. Always aim to be early.
  6. Seek out other opportunities.
  7. Relax.

Where can I find reference material for medical students?

The websites listed here can be used as a wonderful source of reference material for med students who wish to conduct additional research. MedicalStudent – this website provides users with a plethora of free online medical textbooks with helpful links that are well equipped with relevant information in the field of medicine.

Are outside resources the key to success in med school?

I’ve since highly refined my study strategies and discovered countless resources that were essential in my journey from clueless med student with average grades to confidently in the top of the class. One of the biggest lessons I learned in medical school is that outside resources are the key to success.

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What are some of the best websites for medical students?

There is also a medical picture gallery of different diseases and conditions. The Healio website is also a useful one to know, providing students with articles on a number of specialty areas including cardiology, sports medicine, orthopedics, hematology, and infectious disease, just to name a few.

What are the best sites to prepare for the USMLE?

The Picmonics site is thorough, covering all the classes and content a student will encounter in the four years of med school–and preparation is available for the USMLE as well. Again, like Online MedEd, the site is geared towards making medical education accessible and easier to handle for students.