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Who created the beautiful world?

Who created the beautiful world?

“Beautiful World” is a song by the American new wave band Devo, written by Gerald Casale and Mark Mothersbaugh.

How did God created the world?

in the beginning – God started creation. the first day – light was created. the second day – the sky was created. the third day – dry land, seas, plants and trees were created.

Why did God make the world?

God brought the world into existence and as the capstone of this good work, he created people in his image so that they could share in his overflowing love, grace and goodness through their relationships with the Trinity. God did not need the world or need people because God has no lack.

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What is God’s perfect creation?

Everything that God created, formed, and made was perfect; the light and the darkness, the land and the sea, the plants, the sun, moon, and stars, the fish, the birds, the animals, and the man and woman. In addition to these things, which are mentioned by name in Genesis 1, there were other things created as well.

Why did God create the world?

If you answer that question the way God does, it will affect everything you think, everything you feel, everything you do. The short answer that resounds through the whole Bible like rolling thunder is: God created the world for his glory. We’ll talk in a moment about what that means, but let’s establish the fact first.

Is it fair that God made some people beautiful and others average?

Home › Spiritual Growth › It’s not fair that God made some people incredibly beautiful, and others just average! It’s not fair that God made some people incredibly beautiful, and others just average! Here’s a Spiritual Conundrum submitted to Spiritual Insights for Everyday Life by a reader named Kimberly:

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Do Beautiful People have any advantages?

Yes, it’s true that God created a world in which people who are incredibly beautiful have an advantage over those who are just average. We call that world the material world. But God also created a world in which not only physical beauty, but material, social, financial, and political success do not give any advantages.

Do we deserve God’s love?

We do not deserve it, and in God’s infinite love for us, He deeply desires that we take hold of the gifts that He offers. What a blessing when those gifts also come in the form of care from our loved ones! God wants for us to accept the peace that comes from knowing that He longs for us. We are His creation, marked with His image.