
Is the Book of Mormon an easy read?

Is the Book of Mormon an easy read?

The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon allows even the youngest reader to actually understand on their own what the Book of Mormon is saying. We have been very grateful for the knowledge, insights and love for the Book of Mormon that our younger children have been able to gain from reading this book.

Why is the Book of Mormon different?

The significant difference between the Bible and the Book of Mormon is the period and place of writing. On the other hand, the Book of Mormon was primarily written in the Americas. It tells of a thousand years that dates back from 600 B.C. to A.D. 400.

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Is the Book of Mormon correct?

The majority of Latter Day Saints believe the book to be a record of real-world history, and many Mormon academics and apologetic organizations strive to affirm the book as historically authentic through their scholarship and research, but mainstream archaeological, historical and scientific communities do not consider …

Is there an easier version of the Book of Mormon?

This is a version of the Book of Mormon adapted into plain English by Timothy B. Wilson in 1993. It makes the text of the work more accessible and understandable to those who are not familiar with the style used in the original Book of Mormon, which resembles that of the King James Version of the Bible.

How do I learn the Book of Mormon topic?

10 Tips to Help You Study the Book of Mormon

  1. Begin your study with prayer.
  2. Choose a topic you’re interested in.
  3. Cross-reference with the Bible.
  4. Watch Book of Mormon videos.
  5. Read or listen to the Book of Mormon online.
  6. Journal as you go.
  7. Make your copy your own.
  8. Choose someone to study.
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Does the Bible support the Book of Mormon?

The Bible and Book of Mormon support each other Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of Jesus Christ and teach His gospel. Each book supports the other’s teachings. The Book of Mormon confirms what the Bible says about Jesus Christ and clarifies many other Christian doctrines.

Does the Book of Mormon stand up to inquiry?

None of your evidences can stand up to inquiry. They look good on the surface, but when you actually research them, you realize, there is no “meat” there. And, to use your own logic path, if the Book of Mormon is NOT true, then the rest of it fails as well. I understand the feelings of a testimony.

Did Jesus mean any disrespect to the Book of Mormon when he said?

In no way did he mean any disrespect to the Book of Mormon when he said it. He was talking about different times in his life when his faith had been challenged and the role that the Book of Mormon played in his life.

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Is it true that most of my LDS Church evidences are wrong?

In fact, a lot of LDS scholars have too. And they all agree that most of your points are wrong. I could break down each point, but it’s been done before. None of your evidences can stand up to inquiry. They look good on the surface, but when you actually research them, you realize, there is no “meat” there.

What if you drop a nuclear bomb on the Book of Mormon?

He said with a smile on his face, “If you were to drop a nuclear bomb on my testimony, the Book of Mormon would be like the little cockroach that climbs its way to the surface from beneath all the rubble.” One cannot deny the existence of that book. It is there for all to read and it survives any and every attack.