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What does nothing personal just business mean?

What does nothing personal just business mean?

It means they are acting for their own benefit, and supposedly regrets that required you to get hurt. Theoretically you should be less upset because of that.

Why do people say business isn’t personal?

It’s Not Personal, It’s Just Business It’s saying that something that isn’t ethical or acceptable normally is perfectly understandable when business is involved. It also suggests that something done because of business reasons has no personal motive or personal gain that is more valuable to us than doing what is right.

WHO said its not personal it’s business?

Michael Corleone
Michael Corleone: [to Sonny] It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s strictly business.

What does it mean to say nothing personal?

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Definition of nothing personal —used to say that one does not mean to offend someone by a statement It’s nothing personal, but I’d rather not talk to you about it.

What does the phrase it’s just business mean?

“It’s just business” is a meaningless phrase designed to make the person saying it feel more justified in what they’re doing – applying cold logic to human impact. Over the years, “it’s just business” has become an acceptable, even desirable approach to professional life. That’s the origin of the phrase.

What does never personal mean?

(This is) not based on emotions, subjective motivations, or personal biases; (this is) not meant to offend you; (this is) not a personal slight against you. Though it can be truthful, this phrase often tends to be sarcastic, insincere, or unconvincing in usage or reception.

What means just business?

Who said just business?

Otto Biederman, known as Otto “Abbadabba” Berman (August 10, 1891 – October 24, 1935) was an accountant for American organized crime. He is known for having coined the phrase “Nothing personal, it’s just business.”

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What is the synonym of personal?

distinctive, characteristic, unique, individual, one’s own, particular, private, peculiar, exclusive, idiosyncratic, individualized, personalized.