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Why are Pokemon girls sexualized?

Why are Pokemon girls sexualized?

I assure you, those were not my intentions nor was it by my design that Pokemon characters were sexualized, the Pokemon animators sexualize their characters all by themselves. Simply put, many characters are designed to be considered physically attractive.

Why do they make anime characters attractive?

Anime characters exist only in 2D. This makes them fantasy and maybe that’s also attractive about them—they don’t exist in reality. There is no rejection or any sort of reaction at all from their side, so you can have any fantasy related to your waifu/husbando without fear.

Is anime “sexualizing” women?

That’s right – anime ‘s audience is MOSTLY male. So when you see this kind of “sexualization” of female characters, it’s self-fulfilling. Especially when you realize anime ‘s “age” range is mostly teenagers and people in their early twenties.

Does Asuka’s sexualization play a role in Shinji’s maturation?

Similarly, in “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, Asuka’s sexualization plays a role in Shinji’s maturation and mimics his use of her as a sexual object. Unfortunately, however, the large majority of times that female characters are sexualized, the sexualization demeans and objectifies them.

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Is it wrong to sexualize underaged characters in anime?

One side claims that sexualizing underaged characters is wrong and perpetuates the normalization of it in real life. Free! Kyoto Animation, 2013 The other side feels quite the opposite, claiming that it is okay to do so because the characters are fictional and that no harm is coming to any real minors.

What gender are most anime fans in the United States?

From my own anecdotal experience, most anime fans in the United States are teenage girls and young women. Women dominate the anime blogging community. People like to pin perverted male characters on the sexual repression in Japanese culture.
