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Who is more genius Minato or Itachi?

Who is more genius Minato or Itachi?

Minato was the smartest and the most genius between the three.

How old was Minato compared to Itachi?

While Minato is just as proficient in this field, the Uchiha prodigy scores better also due to the fact that he blossomed at a very young age compared to even Minato. Itachi was 3 years younger to Minato when he passed the Chunin Exams.

Who was Minato’s enemy?

Obito Uchiha He also goes by the name of Tobi. He is a former student of the fourth hokage, Minato. He is responsible for the Nine-Tails Attack on Konoha as well as the Uchiha clan massacre, ruining both Naruto and Sasuke’s lives.

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Is Itachi younger than Minato?

We have Minato’s age at his death i.e. 24 years, same day Naruto was born. Naruto is more or less a couple months younger than Sasuke and Itachi having at least 5 years age gap with Sasuke, Itachi would be 5–6 years old at Minato’s death.

Is Minato in the Pure Land?

As the Reanimation Jutsu was undone by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Minato returned to Pure Land before he would fill Kushina everything about their son.

Why is Itachi a genius?

He mastered many of his clan’s techniques, passed at the top of his class, graduated and became chunin, and joined the anbu all at a very young age. That is why he was considered a genius and he has brains to back it up.

Who is more evil Itachi or Itachi?

Itachi is more evil. I wouldn’t personally describe either brother as “evil” exactly, because that seems like a strong word to describe them.

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Would Kabuto have remained evil if Itachi had never used Izanami?

Kabuto would have remained evil if Itachi hadn’t used the Izanami on him. Kabuto helped Sasuke and after the war, he started his own orphanage. Deidara was a rogue ninja from Iwagakure, or the Stone Village.

Does Naruto have villains or heroes?

Naruto features a lot of villains who stayed evil like Danzo but at the same time ones like Nabato and Orochimaru who were redeemed and became heroes. Like every anime series, Naruto has its fair share of villains. The series has some incredible villains who have made a big impact in the anime community.

What is the difference between Sasuke and Itachi?

A big difference between Sasuke and Itachi is Itachi actually killed a lot of people, whereas Sasuke intended or attempted to kill a lot of people, but either changed his mind or was luckily enough to have friends there to stop him.