
How do you develop your investment knowledge?

How do you develop your investment knowledge?

Read more of source data (primary data) than secondary data. Listen to podcasts that focus on finance and investments. Read books and study the history of investing. Study market bubbles, why markets rise and crash, recessions and depressions and understand the features of those moments.

How do I get my child interested in investing?

Start by teaching them the basics of risk vs. reward, stocks and bonds, and profits and losses. If you own stocks, explain why you chose to invest in those companies. Have your child join you in keeping an eye on the stock price and company news.

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How can I become the best investor?

Life gives you many such lessons to be a better human being and a prudent investor.

  1. By Yamini Sood.
  2. Do not get bogged down by what your friends do or don’t.
  3. Do not be in a hurry to grow up.
  4. Do not wile away your time.
  5. Do not get too attached and emotional about your friends, mates and belongings.

How did you first become interested in finance?

I first became interested in finance when my father taught me about his own personal investing habits. While he was talking about his own personal portfolio, something sparked my interest which led me to want to learn more about the markets.

What is a good story to introduce yourself as a finance student?

If you are coming out of a different career looking to get into finance, you should be able to tell a story that bridges the gap between what you were doing and why you are interested in finance. After graduating XYZ university, I began work in the pharmaceutical industry working for XYZ company.

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How to answer the question ‘why are you interested in finance?

Tailor these answers for each firm or industry and practice them. When approaching this particular “why” question – you should tailor it to a story of how you became interested in finance. You should not reference “money” as an answer. That is implied – while some people may like it – there is low reward to that answer.

Are TED Talks good for beginners in personal finance?

This knowledge hub goes beyond humdrum personal finance topics by offering a fresh perspective on conventional advice. The concepts shared at TED talks might best serve someone who’s well attuned to the basics of personal finance, but could be equally engaging for someone who’s just starting with financial planning.