Tips and tricks

How long does Shisui have to wait to use Kotoamatsukami?

How long does Shisui have to wait to use Kotoamatsukami?

He used Kotoamatsukami just after Shisui died and he knew the period was 10 years because it activated after 10 years in the war.

Can Shisui only use Kotoamatsukami?

It isn’t known how much chakra the Kotoamatsukami takes in but he doesn’t have a cool down system and if he decides to spam his ability he could do so if he wanted to. People other than Shisui could only use it once every 10 years and even Danzo with Hashirama cells could only use it around twice a day.

How much older is Kakashi than Shisui?

Shisui is about 3 years older than Itachi (not 100\% sure but pretty sure). Due to the age of Itachi and Kakashi in Naruto, Kakashi is 10 years older than Itachi. Kakashi is the same age as Obito, meaning that Obito is 10 years older than Itachi. This means that Obito is 7 years older than Shisui.

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What is so special about Shisui eye?

Being thrown into war at quite a young age, Shisui Uchiha awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan before the age of 10, which is a massive feat. His eyes granted the ability of Kotoamatsukami to him and using this power, he could cast a powerful genjutsu capable of manipulating others without them even realizing it.

What is shisui’s mangekyou Sharingan ability?

Shisui once noted that his Mangekyō Sharingan amplifies his ability to cast genjutsu by circumventing the need to make eye-contact to make use of its techniques. From this, he could trap multiple individuals in his genjutsu from great distances away.

How old was Shisui when he became a Genin?

1 At 11 Years, Shisui Uchiha Was The Youngest Ever Jonin In Konoha.

Is obito Shisui’s brother?

Obito is the elder brother of Shisui? Shisui’s direct family was never talked about. But Obito was an orphan like Naruto in the sense that both of his parents died when he was really young.

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Why did they want shisui’s eye?

Shisui’s eyes were important because they had the power to cast a strong (but not infallible) genjutsu. They got to the point where some lauded the power too much, but either way, they became much sought after and a key technique in the War. The genjutsu is called Kotoamatsukami.

Why did Shisui give his left eye to Itachi?

Shisui entrusting his remaining eye to Itachi. Fearing that Danzō was right in Shisui’s inability to stop the Uchiha’s revolt and that the elder would continue to pursue his left eye as well, Shisui entrusted it to Itachi, telling him to protect both the village and the Uchiha name.

Who is Shisui Uchiha in Naruto?

Shisui Uchiha was an Anbu of the Hidden Leaf Village (Konohagakure) who had awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan at a young age due to watching his best friend die in a mission after Third Great Shinobi War. He then became a friend and mentor to Itachi Uchiha, the dark knight of Konoha.

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How did Shisui become the Shisui of the Body Flicker?

A year later, he met a 5 year old Itachi Uchiha, whom he became best friends with while the two formed a brother-like bond. A year afterwards, Shisui began drawing attention as a genin, garnering the name ” Shisui of the Body Flicker ” for his usage of the Body Flicker Technique.

Why did Shisui use the Kotoamatsukami?

Shisui planned to use the Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku Uchiha, who was the leader of the Uchiha clan and change his mind so that the coup d’etat wouldn’t take place. Shisui gives his eyes to Itachi. Source: Pierrot However, Danzo was not convinced that manipulating Fugaku won’t bring an end to the revolution.