
What will happen at the end of the world?

What will happen at the end of the world?

While the end of the world seems scary, the results after will be beautiful. We will be with God for eternity in a place that has no fear, no death, and only happiness (Revelation 21:3-4). We can also find peace because we are one with Christ.

Why is the world so scary?

The world is scary because it is inhabited by people who have options in life. Unfortunately, there are those who prefer options that hurt others. The world looks scary because these hurtful options usually hurt many people and are immediately flashed across headlines all over the world.

Is the end of the world closer than we think?

The imprisonment, torture and even death of Christians continues to rise throughout the world at record levels. Jesus forewarned that this would happen. The rising persecution of Christians points to the truth that the end of the world is closer than we think.

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Is the end of days really the end?

Secondly, we can take comfort in the fact that the end of days is not really the end. The Bible clearly states that a believer’s final destiny will be in Heaven with Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). God will keep us safe as we walk through the trials of the world (Revelation 3:10).

Are You fearful of the end?

Next time we are fearful of the end, remember to cast those worries on God (1 Peter 5:7). He will give you the extra strength and reminder that you are not alone, and you never will be. Secondly, we can take comfort in the fact that the end of days is not really the end.

Can we overcome our fears?

However, fear is only an emotion. Though its effects are incredibly powerful, fear can always be overcome by truth. If we know the truth about God and the world, we can beat our fears. We as Christians should try to conquer this fear given to us by Satan, and instead turn to God and His Word.