
What is the significance of the swords have names in The Hobbit?

What is the significance of the swords have names in The Hobbit?

The swords named Orcrist and Glamdring that Thorin and Gandalf win from the trolls symbolize their heroic deeds. Bilbo’s decision to name his short sword Sting after killing the spider is a major turning point in his quest—it symbolizes his bravery and initiative, and presages his transformation into a hero.

What does Glamdring mean in The Hobbit?

Glamdring is a name given to the sword of Gandalf in the film’s promotional materials, but it is not named in the films. This is Sindarin, and translates to “Turgon, king of Gondolin, wields, has, and holds the sword Glamdring, Foe of Morgoth’s realm, Hammer of the Orcs”.

Why might it be significant for Tolkien to have given the swords Elvish Names What message do you think is conveyed by the names given to the swords?

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The swords have enormous power because they were used to kill Goblins, and they are associated with the dragon from whom the dwarves wish to reclaim their treasure. They are important enough to have names of their own, like the weapons belonging to legendary heroes Beowulf and Arthur.

What were the swords called in The Hobbit?

The swords Glamdring and Orcrist named in The Hobbit fit two strands of the Medieval pattern, as they are both ancient, having been forged in the First Age, and were retrieved from a treasure-hoard, having been held by the three Trolls in their cave.

Why did Bilbo name his sword Sting?

When rescuing Thorin and Company from the giant spiders of Mirkwood, Bilbo was inspired to give the sword its name after cutting himself free from a cocoon and slaying the spider guarding him.

Why does Bilbo’s sword glow blue?

Sting had the magical ability to detect orcs or goblins nearby. When orcs or goblins were present, it glowed blue, as it did when the Fellowship encountered orcs in the mines of Moria. This was a common property of First Age Elf blades, particularly those forged in Gondolin.