Tips and tricks

What will you do after finish the exam?

What will you do after finish the exam?

If you’ve already finished your Board exams or are about to finish it in soon, here are some cool things to after that:

  1. Join a hobby class.
  2. Host a house party.
  3. Binge watch your favorite TV series.
  4. Read as many books as you can.
  5. Work with an NGO.
  6. Go on a tour.
  7. Learn a foreign language.
  8. Attend a Career Counseling Session.

How did you do your exam reply?

I’d try something like “I did my best and I’m hoping for a positive outcome”. Or “as well as can be expected, and I’m not too worried”. Otherwise a simple “oh, it was fine” should suffice. Originally Answered: How do you respond when someone asks how was your exam?

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How do you finish an exam?

How to finish exams on time

  1. Practice makes perfect. Practicing exam technique is the most important thing you can do to learn how to finish exams faster.
  2. Improve your writing.
  3. Make a plan.
  4. Keep your head down and focus.
  5. Start with the low-hanging fruit.
  6. Ask for more paper before you need it.
  7. Never give up.

What students should do after exams?

What now? 5 things to do after your exams

  • Start a blog or build a website. Have you got an interest that you always wanted to devote your life to, but you never managed to with your nose pretty much permanently buried in books?
  • Get work experience.
  • Learn a language.
  • Volunteer.
  • Do something you’ve never done before.

How can I write fast in exam?


  1. Try writing tall and skinny. Our hands are constructed so that our fingers can move up and down, not side to side.
  2. Work those arms! Don’t just use your wrists!
  3. Relax your hands.
  4. Use smoother pens.
  5. Sit properly.
  6. Practice, practice, practice.
  7. Utilise your other hand and arm as well!
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How do you finish an exam on time?

Finishing an exam on time can be a stressful feat, but it can be accomplished with the right preparation and mindfulness. Prior to the exam, you should be sure to study extensively, seek advice on the exam, and take care of your mind and body to prepare. During the exam, it is important to approach…

How to ask someone if they have finished the exam?

You’re just trying figure out his status, so you need to make the question about the status. When you say, “Did you finish the exam?”, it’s more like a response to when someone says, “Oh, man, the exam was so long and difficult!” Or, as SovereignSun had said, it sounds like the other person had been making the exam. – Teacher KSHuang

How do I prepare for an exam for the first time?

If possible, obtain a practice exam, online or from a teacher, to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions. Ask for advice about the exam. If a sibling or friend has completed an exam for the same course in a prior year, ask for advice about how to approach it.

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Are the exams finished/are finished?

After those dates, the exams have finished/are over. You can see how in the previous sentence, it sounds better to say ‘have finished’ or ‘are over’, instead of ‘are finished’. ‘Are finished’, as Sneha Jinturkar has said, sounds like you’re talking about some item whose contents ‘are finished’.