
Who is a vapid person?

Who is a vapid person?

If you describe someone or something as vapid, you are critical of them because they are dull and uninteresting. [disapproval] We idolize vapid celebrities. She made a vapid comment about the weather. Synonyms: dull, boring, insipid, flat More Synonyms of vapid.

How do you use vapid in a sentence?

Vapid in a Sentence 🔉

  1. To me, baseball is a vapid sport that quickly puts me to sleep.
  2. Although the actress was nominated for several awards, she was still criticized for her vapid portrayal of the world leader.
  3. The vapid entertainment did not hold the children’s attention.

Does vapid mean shallow?

As adjectives the difference between vapid and shallow is that vapid is lifeless, dull or banal while shallow is having little depth; significantly less deep than wide.

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How do you remember the word vapid?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vapid rapids are not vapid, rapids are bumpy not flat.

What does vapid mean House Bunny?

Near the beginning of the movie, Shelley (played by Anna Faris) is called “vapid.” Setting aside the fact that the definition of the word “vapid” has more to do with being dull or uninteresting than anything else, I believe the writers were intending to use it to mean “dumb” or “stupid” or “mindless” or “empty” – you …

Which word is closest in meaning to the word vapid?

Frequently Asked Questions About vapid Some common synonyms of vapid are banal, flat, inane, insipid, and jejune. While all these words mean “devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character,” vapid suggests a lack of liveliness, force, or spirit.

What is a vapid girl?

: lacking flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit : flat, dull a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance— R. F. Delderfield London was not all vapid dissipation— V. S. Pritchett.

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Can a person be vacuous?

The definition of vacuous is empty or not intelligent. An example of vacuous is a ditzy person who has no smart or useful ideas. Having or showing lack of intelligence, interest, or thought; stupid; senseless; inane. …

What does vapid girl mean?

Was Katharine Mcphee really pregnant in the House Bunny?

Apparently her faux baby bump needed a little maintenance as she took a squeegee to it following a car wash scene.As it turns out, the prosthetic preggers prop is a Hollywood hand-me-down. According to People magazine, the fake belly was once worn by Nicole Kidman.

What do you mean by vacuous?

Definition of vacuous 1 : emptied of or lacking content. 2 : marked by lack of ideas or intelligence : stupid, inane a vacuous mind a vacuous movie.

What does vapid mean?

vap·id 1 Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull: vapid conversation. 2 Lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat: vapid beer. More

Why is the film California so vapid?

The film paints most of these characters as vultures of the art world, often using the high-flown linguistic semantics of academia and artistic discourse to obfuscate the vapid nature of the work they’re doing. To risk a truly vapid cliché, California contains multitudes.

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What does a vapid smile look like?

It was a grey, white face, shrivelled and pinched, weak eyes without depth, a vapid smile in which there was no meaning. When the supercilious and vapid point out faults, they ever run into contradictions and folly; it is only under the lash of the discerning and the experienced, that we betray by our writhings the power of the blow we receive.

Is wine vapid or inane?

These days, you’re likely to hear people referring to wine as vapid. You’re likely to hear the word in plenty of other situations, too. Vapid, along with the synonyms insipid, flat, and inane, is often used to describe people and things that lack spirit and character.