
How did they move cannons in the Civil War?

How did they move cannons in the Civil War?

The field artillery of the Civil War was designed to be mobile. When Union or Confederate troops marched across country, the guns moved with them. During battle, the guns were moved to assigned positions and then were switched from place to place, pulled back or sent forward as fortune demanded.

How do artillery shells work?

The most common is through fragmentation of the shell, when the metal casing is split into many smaller bits and hurled at high speed in all directions. First, the fragmentation, also commonly known as shrapnel. Most artillery rounds are designed to create some kind of shrapnel when they explode.

How did Napoleon fix the train d’artillerie?

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Napoleon fixed this upon becoming First Consul in 1800. The ‘artillery train’ was militarized, becoming the excellent train d’artillerie, with its own distinctive uniform, and organized into battalions.

What were the different types of artillery in the Napoleonic era?

French Napoleonic artillery was composed of the following branches: artillerie � cheval (horse artillery), artillerie � pied (foot artillery), pontonniers (pontoon bridge troops), ouvriers (artificers), and armuriers (armorers). The associated organization that will be covered here is the train d’artillerie. Regiments were administrative in nature.

How was the artillery in WW1 organized?

While the artillery was organized in regiments, the basic tactical unit was the company, which was trained to handle any type of artillery issued to it, and was normally assigned a ‘division’ of guns when taking the field. Artillerymen were considered elite troops, and collected the traditional haute-pay of elite troops.

How did Napoleon change the role of horse artillery?

This was particularly inconvenient for the new horse artillery arm, organized in 1792, which was an excellent idea and innovation, but could quickly be converted to ‘foot’ artillery after the shooting started. Napoleon fixed this upon becoming First Consul in 1800.