
Why does Arjuna refuse to fight the Kauravas Does he have a good reason?

Why does Arjuna refuse to fight the Kauravas Does he have a good reason?

Arjuna is unwilling to fight the Kaurava army. Lord Krishna, who is his charioteer, reasons with him. One reason a person could refuse to fight would be the fear of defeat. Arjuna then tells Krishna that he cannot fight, because he sees opposite him his grand uncle Bhishma and his Acharya Drona.

Did any Kaurav fight for Pandav?

Yuyutsu is celebrated as the only righteous Kaurava for having sided the Pandavas in the Kurukshetra War.

Why must Arjuna face his kinsmen in battle according to Krishna?

Krishna, as the divine voice of yoga, dharma, and karma, must not only convince Arjuna to fight, but to fight with the will to win — to restore good, to restore balance, to fulfill his duty as a warrior.

Why did Kauravas go to swarga and Pandavas to Naraka?

It explains the complexity of karma. This aspect of life and karma is beautifully explained in this ever confusing question that why Kauravas instead of their bad deeds get a place in Swarga (heaven) and Pandavas went to Naraka (hell). After the war ended, the Kauravas lose and the Pandavas win and rule over Hastinapur for over 36 years.

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Why was Karna declared Kaurava’s Senapati?

Mentioned in Karna Parva of Mahabharata Epic, this incident relates to the declaration of Karna as Kaurava’s Senapati soon after the death of Guru Dronacharya. With the valor and skills Karna possessed, he was able to land the Pandavas in trouble.

What is the story of Arjuna in Mahabharata?

The stories of Mahabharata are not only fascinating but filled with countless incidents that give us lessons for life. Of these times, one such story is of the Pandava Brothers, Arjuna, and Yudhishthira when Arjuna tried to kill his elder brother during the Kurukshetra war.

What did Yudhishthira say to Arjuna when he found out about Karna?

The moment Yudhishthira learned that Arjuna has not killed Karna, he was infuriated and in anger, he uttered starting hurtful words to his brother. He asked Arjuna to throw away his weapons or give them to someone else.