
What is a good Toefl score for Ivies?

What is a good Toefl score for Ivies?

What Is A Good TOEFL Score Out Of 120? Well, for universities in any country above 90 can be a good score but when it is Ivy League schools, the TOEFL score needs to be a minimum of 100. It will be great to secure above 105 with a sectional cut of above 26 for Ivy League schools.

What is a good score in GRE and Toefl?

GRE and TOEFL Requirements for the globally top US universities

QS ranking Name of the University Required TOEFL score
30 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 90-100 80 for the undergraduate courses
35 New York University (NYU) 100
36 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 88-100
42 Duke University 105 or up
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Is 109 a good score in TOEFL?

100-110: These are very good TOEFL scores. Once you start scoring this high on a TOEFL iBT, you can be accepted into Ivy League schools and other top universities. 110-120: These are the best TOEFL iBT scores by any standard.

What is a good GRE and TOEFL score?

Rule of thumb – the higher the better. 330 in GRE is always better than 324. Period. TOEFL (or IELTS) score is another mandatory test for US schools. Ideally, you should have 95 – 100 in TOEFL (iBT), unless a university has specified a score. You can also get into the top 25 US universities with a score in the range of 90 – 95 (IELTS 6.5 – 7.0).

Do GRE scores matter when applying for Ivy League programs?

If you’re aiming for an Ivy League-level graduate education, your test scores are going to play a part in your acceptance. So where do you stand when it comes to GRE scores for the top universities?

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Is a TOEFL score of 118 good enough for an Ivy League?

No need to put super-extra effort on this component. A TOEFL score of 110 or 118 (out of 120) is not going to make you stand out in the applicant pool in any way for an Ivy League or any other Top 25 US School. Accept it, there is no substitute for an impressive GPA.

What is the minimum GRE score required to get admission in USA?

The recommended GRE score for all of the mentioned and other top universities is typically above 315-320. As an international student, you need to score at least 100 in TOEFL IBT and the GPA should be around 4.