Tips and tricks

What does Platinum kryptonite do to Superman?

What does Platinum kryptonite do to Superman?

Platinum Kryptonite was a variant of Kryptonite which had the effect of permanently bestowing the full range of Kryptonian super-powers to non-powered humanoids.

How does Lex Luthor have so much kryptonite?

Luthor noted that he was given the Black Kryptonite by the self-proclaimed god Darkseid, who may have been responsible for its creation (a synthesized version of Kryptonite in the feature film Superman III had similar effects on Superman, creating an evil Superman.)

Which Superman is immune to kryptonite?

Kal-El Prime, as well as Kal-L, has been shown to be immune to the Kryptonite of the New Earth Universe.

What does GREY Kryptonite do to Superman?

The result of the exposure to the Synthetic Kryptonite was that it caused Superman’s moral behaviors to change to the point of being evil and destructive, both to himself and to others.

How did Bruce Wayne get Kryptonite?

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During the battle between Batman and Superman, he shoot two gas grenade at the Man of Steel, which temporarily weakened him to human-like levels, allowing the heavily armored Batman to swiftly gain the upper hand. Kryptonite bullets were forged for use by Bloodsport, who used them to shoot Superman.

What is Lex Luthor’s Kryptonite?

Film(s) Kryptonite (term coined Lex Luthor) is a glowing green radioactive mineral from the planet Krypton, that was created as an aftermath of the terraforming of the World Engine and the Black Zero in the Indian Ocean and Metropolis.

Where can I find kryptonite in Superman Returns?

In Superman Returns, an additional piece of kryptonite is found in a rock fragment, once more in Addis Ababa. Lex Luthor steals it from a Metropolis museum and uses it in his quest to create a new kryptonite landmass. During the extraction process, the rock appears to hold a significant amount of green kryptonite.

Is Anti Kryptonite the same as green kryptonite?

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Resembles green kryptonite, but is harmless to Kryptonians; however, it has the same effect as green kryptonite on humans. Anti-kryptonite is also the power source for one version of the character: Ultraman, Superman’s evil counterpart from an antimatter universe. Debuted in Action Comics #261 (Jan. 1960).

What is kryptonite in the DC Universe?

Originally, the DC Universe was home to a variety of minerals collectively called kryptonite. The most commonly depicted variety of kryptonite is greenish in coloring, though it was colored red in its first appearance in Superman (volume 1) #61 (November / December 1949).